There is differently a double standard if you are one of the IN crowd. Where is lived there was one elder that had a lot of pull and served on the blood committee. Years ago he ended up having sexual relations with a sister while his own wife was dying of cancer. He was DF'd but was back in a few years later and back on the blood committee and giving talks at the district conventions. If this was a regular rank and file member, he would have being shunned for a lot longer and never given back any of his privileged that quickly.
William Penwell
JoinedPosts by William Penwell
The 'IN' families
by punkofnice inone thing i don't miss about being a jobo, is those families that ruled the congregations.. i've seen how the elders protected their own using our old friend, nepotism.. eg.
the son of an elder that stole a car and was prosecuted but 'let off' because it was kept secret and all his relatives were elders in the same congregation.
it certainly went on when i was an elder but i wasn't one of the 'in' crowd.
JWs & "generations"
by Magnum inwe all know what a mess the jw "generation" teachings have been.
but, there is one hard and fast truth concerning jws and "generations" - that is, that many generations of jws have died without the realization of the hope they were promised.. there were many before my grandfather's time, but i'm going to start with his.
his generation, his peers, lived at a time when jwdom was exciting, bold, confident, seemingly deeper and scholarly, seemingly genuinely concerned about the preaching work and saving lives.
William Penwell
As an ex Jdub that was raised in the religion, that went through the 1975 BS, I can relate to what you are saying. I would have liked to have done more with my life but I am now come to terms with what I have accomplished and I am now at peace with myself. I am semi retired and into the entertainment business, something that was frowned upon growing up. I do it because it is enjoyable for me and makes my life have a meaning.
I do not see an end to the WT as they will always bring in new recruits and use the same tired old, "end of the system" scare tactics they have always used. It has worked for them for 140 years and I do not see them changing their tactics any time soon.
Cart Witnesses vs Faith Healing Church
by pale.emperor intoday in liverpool the cart witnesses were in their usual speck in bold street holding out their wafer thin rags and books that they literally can't even give away.
but today the city centre was flooded with some sort of black church handing out their leaflets and little invitations to a "special event" this sunday.
i took a leaflet off them as they handed it to me and they were very smiley and cheerful.
William Penwell
Ha ha ha one wacko group debating with another wacko group.
Do You Ever Think Of ALL The Wasted Time Because You Were a JW?
by minimus inthe longer you are out the more you see how a cult steals all your time, resources and energy.
we wasted so much because we were witnesses!
William Penwell
I agree the time I sent in the WT could have being better used in getting a better education and a better job but I cannot undue the past. I look to my past as a life lesson and move on to make my present life better. Regardless look at the time you were in the organization as a growing experience that we all had to go through to get to where we are today.
Ran into my brother at a concert; first time I've seen him in years......
by dubstepped inmy wife and i went to a concert on friday night.
there was a friend of ours there doing security, and she happens to be an exjw too.
she sent me a message on messenger to inform me that my brother and his wife were at the show, not knowing that i'd be there too.
William Penwell
Always remember it was their choice to shun you. Don't ever let them make you feel guilty of their actions. I am going through this with my own family. I do not care any more as life is too short to worry about stupidity.
A WTF Moment While In the WTS
by Searching inhas anyone else had a moment, while still within the organization (and before learning ttatt) that caused them to stop and go, "this is kind of messed up.".
for instance, back i believe in the early 2000's, i was attending a dc with my family.
it was announced at the beginning of the convention that there was going to be a special announcement at the end, so for everyone to please try to remain until the very end of the meeting.
William Penwell
I have told this story on here before but one of the last WTF moments I had at a convention was one of the last time I attended a convention right after 9/11. An elder that I have known for 40 years cam up and said hello. Then he made a snide remark about how all of a sudden people start coming back after a couple of planes hit a couple of buildings.
FYI: "Leah Remini's Anti-Scientology Documentary on A&E is scorching." Airs Tuesday the 29th, etc.
by AndersonsInfo inleah remini’s anti-scientology doc: former celeb wrangler admits how tom cruise was “surrounded” and isolated.
"leah remini’s anti-scientology documentary on a&e is scorching.
William Penwell
Just started watching all the episodes and i am now on episode 5. The terminology is different but it is uncanny how Scientology and the WT use much of the same tactics. As far as I know the WT does not go as far as publicly confronting ex members and video taping them.
I would like to write to Leah and just tell her that my experiences with the WT are much the same as what she and the other ex Scientologists have gone through.
Class Action Lawsuit Against The Watchtower Corporation By The Multitude Left Penniless After A Vow Of Poverty And Obediance Lasting Decades
by Brokeback Watchtower inwell i think as the exposure becomes greater of the wt hypocrisy and cover up that the likelihood of this happening great.
no retirement funds for all those laid off when they were no longer profitable due to old age has got to bite these guys in the ass some day.. and maybe in the process of man's enlighten world view and a better understanding the cruelty of disfellowshipping member and enforcing a communication ban ones family members may open them up from another class action lawsuit over such egregious action caused by a religious printing organization domination over peoples action through deceit and clever lies about supernatural claims of authority.. either way i think they are going to need a lot of outside legal help in the future as lawsuits will pile up around the world which that alone could dry up all their funds in defense costs..
William Penwell
Good thing I did not buy into their BS years ago and was able to work at a company that offered a pension plan and benefits. The WT does not care about the rank and file dub but will use them until they are no longer useful and discard them like yesterdays trash.
The JW governing body are all overweight, creepy looking little men
by jambon1 inhaving seen a few of these tv productions and some youtube clips of their assembly parts, how can jehovah's witnesses really take these silly little men seriously?.
you take one look at them; their overweight, fat little bodies.
their entirely shabby, overhanging suits.
William Penwell
I don't know how anybody takes American fundamentalism seriously. --No wonder the rest of the world thinks we're stupid......
I refer to them as the American Taliban.
I feel really, really sorry for those born into the Jehovah's Witness religion
by jambon1 insome facts that make the difference between you and me:.
1 - as a person raised by non jw family, my parents have never loved me based on conditions set out by a group of old men who they don't even know.
how does it feel to know that you are in the unique situation where your parents brought you into the world and said 'i'll show love to you.
William Penwell
I agree that if I was to raise children now I would not raise them in any religious faith based system. I do not hold any animosity toward my parents as they did not know what they were doing and they did the best they could raising me. I hold the animosity toward the religion itself.